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This is some text inside of a div block.
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Asia New Zealand Foundation Curators’ Tour

New Zealand creatives on an intensive learning journey in Singapore.

CultureLink co-ordinated a special research visit programme  by three New Zealand performing arts professionals to Singapore. Participants  of Asia New Zealand Foundation’s Performing Arts Tour, their intensive one-week visit saw insightful interactions and discussions with Singaporean artists, producers and professionals, as well as visits and attendances at museums, galleries and performances. They also received briefings from CultureLink’s extensive insights into the Singapore arts  scene and potential for  international artistic exchange.

No doubt they three returned armed with new knowledge, networks and ideas for future projects!



Melanie Hamilton

Melanie Hamilton is a producer and dramaturg, experienced in working across multiple art forms. She collaborates on dance, theatre, live art and performance art projects, and has toured performances across New Zealand, and to Australia, Prague, London and Edinburgh. Melanie has produced many large scale events, including the 2015 Capital E National Arts Festival. A co-founder of Muscle Mouth, Melanie has been the recent recipient of Asia New Zealand Foundation and Creative New Zealand travel grants to develop Muscle Mouth’s networks in Asia, one of the regions the company wishes to further engage with.


Touch Compass Portraits

Carol Brown

Brown is a choreographer, an Associate Professor in Dance Studies at the University of Auckland and director of Choreographic Research Aotearoa.

Brown gained an MA in Dance Studies from the University of Surrey. After completing a practice-led PhD with the solo The Anatomy of Reason, she was invited to become Choreographer in Residence at the prestigious Place Theatre London.



Adam Hayward

Hayward completed a Masters degree in performance studies then worked for the Centre for Performance Research in Wales for five years. In 2001 he moved to New Zealand where he has spent the last fourteen years organising, among other things, a highly successful annual dance and performance festival, The Body Festival.

Hayward has created a number of dance projects in Christchurch including Dancing Like the Stars, a dance project for low decile schools, and high school dance based mentoring project Dance Ambassadors.

He is currently developing a space in Christchurch that he hopes will foster links between New Zealand dancers and those in Asia.

Productions on Tour

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